Best Fit Blog

Shoulder Instability: Arthroscopy v Latarjet
The best treatment options for recurrent shoulder dislocation are evolving. In a previous blog, I mentioned growing evidence that early surgery for shoulder instability leads

COVID Update 2022
As we come to the second year of the pandemic, we know more about the virus. Some of the modellings of case numbers and mortality

Risk factors for patella dislocations
Patella dislocations are a moderately common injury. Sometimes they are a one-off event. Other times they can lead to recurrent dislocations and pain. In our

Paediatric ACL injuries
ACL tears in children are uncommon. However, the annual growth in incidence of ACL tears is highest in the 5-14 year-old age group. The incidence

“Down Under” glenoid labral tears
Anterior shoulder dislocations are a common injury. My website describes the typical labral tear that involves the front lower quadrant of the shoulder socket (the

Advances in partial knee replacements
On my website, I discuss the treatment options for knee osteoarthritis. Surgery is not usually the first option. Most people with knee arthritis will be